Name that Ware May 2007!

The wares for this month are shown below. Click the image for a larger version.

Ware One

Ware Two

There are two wares this month (and again, I’m late and I apologize–I should be able to get back on schedule next month). I’m hoping they are particularly challenging to guess, because the first person who can correctly guess both wares gets a special prize — a chumby. The first person to get just one of the wares correct will get the usual prize for name that ware ($10 gift card to or any piece of bunniestudios schwag you want). You need to identify not only the function of the ware but the item in which it is embedded. As a note, ware two’s wires extend onward to form a spiral loop, they are not shown since the full extent of the wires were outside the range of the x-ray mosaic.

As a reminder, if you are posting an answer, you may want to use the md5sum trick to claim your entry time (e.g., echo “your answer” | md5sum and post that to the comments for your initial guess) without giving away your answer (so that others can’t crib off of your thoughts). Don’t forget to return at the end of the month to fully describe your answer in plaintext, or else I can’t judge your entry! The descriptions will be important because I suspect one of the wares will be particularly difficult to guess, and I’d like to judge this contest carefully because the prize is relatively large.

Here’s an example of the md5sum trick in case you aren’t familiar with it:

$ echo "your answer" | md5sum
21bfb9699d16738785ddcb8dfb472e2c *-

You would then just post 21bfb9699d16738785ddcb8dfb472e2c to the comment round. If you don’t have md5sum, then either get linux, or install cygwin ;-)

17 Responses to “Name that Ware May 2007!”

  1. Sam Bayliss says:

    For Ware 2:

    0d9be162e6be0627d7b5a439ff0f7c7c –

  2. Ryan G. says:

    I’m just going to guess that both of them are RFID-esque things. however, I’m going to randomly guess that the first is an anti-theft sticker since there doesn’t seem to be much of a processor, and that the second one is a more advanced RFID chip (advanced being somewhat relative here), but I honestly have no clue what it would be embedded in, since it can be put in literally anything.


    Note that on OS X the syntax for making an MD5 sum is as follows:
    $ md5 -s “your answer”

  3. Dave smith says:

    For ware 1: 15b9a960ccd5d9632bf448ee58183c61

  4. tom says:

    Drat, I suspect I’m too late. But yeah, #2 looks very much like the Washington DC RFID transit card I tore apart a few years ago. It’s not exact, though, so I’m guessing this is an NYC or BART RFID card.

  5. Roby says:

    Ware2: A passport tag with an embedded micro & some eeprom space to store data (enough data to store also a jpg photo)

    Ware1:anti-theft tag passive

  6. Dan says:

    Ware 1: 1d4a34b086c91839b837517762f70ebe

    Ware 2: c8f2690245d3d0e3a6b83583bdc9d0fb

  7. Jim says:

    The second is almost certainly a credit-card sized card with an embedded RFID tag, most likely a small passive ID (maybe 256 bytes of EEPROM). The chip itself looks similar to the one pictured here,
    although the placement so far from the coil is a bit strange.

  8. Jim says:

    Oops, I meant around 256 bits :)

    The first looks like a small RFID button, maybe like these.

  9. PowerShell user says:

    MD5 for Windows, without cygwin:

    PS C:\Users\SomeUser> $h = [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create(‘MD5’)
    PS C:\Users\SomeUser> [String]::Concat($($h.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(“your answer`n”)) | % { ‘{0:x2}’ -f $_ }))

  10. Kriss says:

    Ware One looks like it might be a 50mm round WORLD TAG RFID – Logistic and Industrial Transponder I keep seeing on the Internet.

    Ware Two might be a type of RFID “blink” Chase bank card. The type you wave over the sensor to buy things less than $25.

  11. Hello,
    Of course these two are RFID tags.

    Very few things can be extracted from this pictures.
    The first one seems to come from a specific token and could be battery assisted (what people usually call active tags, Cf the + sign) and the second one does not comes from a card (The chip would be in the coil and not out of it for mechanical reasons). Both of them seems to work at 13.56MHz (due to the structure of the coil and the standard ISO 14443).

    I guess this is a type A ;-)

  12. […] The first of May’s ware is an x-ray view of a US passport RFID tag. This is the RFID embedded in the new US passports, and its location is in the back cover. The primary hint to tell it was a passport was the barest outline of the thread forming the page binding of the passport in the lower part of the image. The second ware is an x-ray view of a Shenzhen Metro RFID payment token–that one was supposed to be the “just hard” one worthy of the prize :-) I wish I could have seen more of the plaintext on this one to help with the judging! Roby, email me for your prize! […]

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