MLTalk with Joi Ito, Nadya Peek and me

I gave an MLTalk at the MIT Media Lab this week, where I disclose a bit more about the genesis of the Orchard platform used to build, among other things, the Burning Man sexually generated light pattern badge I wrote about a couple months back.

The short provocation is followed up by a conversation with Joi Ito, the Director of the Media Lab, and Nadya Peek, a renowned expert in digital fabrication from the CBA (and incidentally, the namesake of the Peek Array in the Novena laptop) about supply chains, digital fabrication, trustability, and things we’d like to see in the future of low volume manufacturing.

I figured I’d throw a link here on the blog to break the monotony of name that wares. Sorry for the lack of new posts, but I’ve been working on a couple of books and magazine articles in the past months (some of which have made it to print: IEEE Spectrum, Wired) which have consumed most of my capacity for creative writing.

13 Responses to “MLTalk with Joi Ito, Nadya Peek and me”

  1. Tor Pettersen says:

    Hi. How about writing a short post with a link whenever you’re published elsewhere? I know I’d appreciate it, and I’m quite sure others would too

    • bunnie says:

      It feels a bit narcissistic posting about myself on my own blog….but I’ll try to remember to drop a note here, or on my twitter feed, whenever something comes up!

  2. ma_jk says:

    The Name That Ware are absolutely not monotonous!

  3. pantherqin says:

    Waiting to read the books you are going to publish! :-)

  4. […] follow [bunnie]’s blog as he posts interesting and usable information quite regularly. [bunnie] posted about a video of a recent talk he did at MIT Media Lab with Nadya Peek and Joi Ito. This was in […]

  5. […] follow [bunnie]’s blog as he posts interesting and usable information quite regularly. [bunnie] posted about a video of a recent talk he did at MIT Media Lab with Nadya Peek and Joi Ito. This was in […]

  6. […] follow [bunnie]’s blog as he posts interesting and usable information quite regularly. [bunnie] posted about a video of a recent talk he did at MIT Media Lab with Nadya Peek and Joi Ito. This was in […]

  7. […] Novena: A Laptop With No Secrets.  Not easy to build or use, but I’m glad it exists.  (via) […]

  8. Jeff Trull says:

    Very curious to hear more about your last questioner, whom everyone seemed to know – Ji? (Jee? Gee?). “Taking the lids off all the boxes” sounds like a fun thing to read about; I hope she has a blog…

  9. […] and how to mass-produce hardware. Over the years, I’ve blogged about my experiences in Shenzhen:‘MLTalk with Joi Ito, Nadya Peek and Me’ and ‘Products over Patents’, and given tours of the markets to parties ranging from graduate […]

  10. […] and how to mass-produce hardware. Over the years, I’ve blogged about my experiences in Shenzhen:‘MLTalk with Joi Ito, Nadya Peek and Me’ and ‘Products over Patents’, and given tours of the markets to parties ranging from graduate […]