See you at OHS and Maker Faire!

September 8th, 2011

I’ll be flying all the way from Singapore to New York to participate in the Open Hardware Summit and Maker Faire next week. I’m giving a talk at the OHS titled “Why the Best Days of Open Hardware are Yet to Come”, and I’ll also be giving a talk at the Maker Faire on Sunday at 2:30PM officially introducing the NeTV (see also engadget/techcrunch/gizmodo). I’ll be posting more technical details on the NeTV here in the near future, so stay tuned.

I’ll also be participating in the OHS demo session, which will be the first time the public can try out an NeTV; and I’ll also have a small table at the Maker Faire where I’ll be recruiting developers and educating Makers on how to hack NeTV. The NeTV has a particularly high hack-value due to its integration of an FPGA; from the hacker’s perspective, it’s a cousin to the Rasberry Pi but with integrated wifi, HDMI pass-through and an FPGA. And a shiny plastic case for those who care about that!

Hope to see you there!

A footnote on novel H1N1

August 19th, 2011

A couple years ago, I wrote a post about the H1N1 “swine flu” outbreak, talking a bit about the mechanics of the virus and how it could be hacked. Today I read an interesting tidbit in Nature referencing this article in Science that is a silver lining on the H1N1 cloud.

You know how every flu season there’s a new flu vaccine, yet somehow for other diseases you only need to be vaccinated once? It’s because there’s no vaccine that can target all types of flu. Apparently, a patient who contracted “swine flu” during the pandemic created a novel antibody with the remarkable ability to confer immunity to all 16 subtypes of influenza A. A group of researchers sifted through the white blood cells of the patient and managed to isolate four B cells that contain the code to produce this antibody. These cells have been cloned and are producing antibodies facilitating further research into a potential broad-spectrum vaccine that could confer broad protection against the flu.

For some reason I find this really interesting. I think it’s because at a gut level it gives me hope that if a killer virus did arise that wipes out most of humanity, there’s some evidence that maybe a small group of people will survive it. Also, never getting the flu again? Yes, please! On the other hand, this vaccine will be a fun one to observe as it evolves, particularly around the IP and production rights that results from this. Who owns it, and who deserves credit for it? Does the patient that evolved the antibody deserve any credit? What will be the interplay between the researchers, the funding institutions, the health industry and the consumer market? Should/can the final result or process be patented so that ultimately, a corporation is granted a monopoly on the vaccine (maybe there’s already a ruling on this)? Should we administer the resulting vaccine to everyone, risking the forced evolution of a new “superstrain” of flu that could be even deadlier, or should we restrict it only to the old, weak, and young? While these questions have been asked and sometimes answered in other contexts, everyone can relate to suffering through the flu, so perhaps the public debate around such issues will be livelier.

Name that Ware August 2011

August 9th, 2011

The Ware for August 2011 is shown below. Click on the image for a much larger version.

It’s National Day in Singapore, so I get a chance to catch up on my name that ware posts. This handsome board is a reader-submitted ware by an anonymous donor (thank you!). Have fun!

Winner, Name That Ware July 2011

August 9th, 2011

The ware for July 2011 is a Flip Flop by Engineered Electronics Company, model Z-90048-B. A photo of the tube in its protective case is shown below.

It’s…sobering to recall how quickly technology has come along. The flip flop above is a little bit larger than a tube of lipstick, but it only stores 1 bit. I’ve got a USB stick that’s smaller and lighter that holds about 1,099,511,627,776 bits. So that’s about 12 orders of magnitude improvement in storage density over a period of about 50 years.

With the sun setting on Moore’s law, one has to wonder how the world of electronics will once again change. Another 12 orders of magnitude in 50 years is highly unlikely — to achieve that, you would need to store about one bit per atom in that volume. Maybe business practice will once again value optimization over growth. Maybe value will continue to shift away from capability toward social status — much like cars are today, where the core technological difference between cars that have an order of magnitude price difference is often less than a factor of two in technological specifications. I think that would be a positive development for small businesses and individual innovators, but perhaps (more) bad news for the macro-economy.

Picking a winner was difficult, but I think I’ll go with Joe Bleau. He didn’t quite name the model number of the tube, but he nailed the make and function of the ware quite quickly. Congrats, email me for your prize. However, I must also commend nophead for recognizing the double-triode configuration as being a signature part of a tube flip flop; I took care to angle the photo so as to highlight the double-triode construction to improve its guessability.

Some Pointers for Time Lapse Capture

August 8th, 2011

A couple of folks had requested a how-to on modifying the chumby One for video capture.

Unfortunately, I did this hack almost a year ago and took few notes on it, but I’ll post my fuzzy recollection here, and hopefully we can figure out any issues in the comment thread.

First thing to do is to pick a USB camera that’s compatible. That’s a little bit tricky because I don’t actually know why some cameras work and some don’t. The USB camera I used is one that is salvageable from a laptop — the camera board has a connector onto which I soldered the USB cable. I opted to use this because it’s a small, rectangular and flat board that’s easy to tape to a window (the ball cameras used for video conferencing are not as easy to tape in place). And it was free. I’d take a photo of the assembly except it’s taped to the window inside a cardboard baffle to reduce glare at night time from the indoor lights, and if I move it the video capture will shift. But, the video drivers compiled into the chumby One kernel are just the stock drivers taken straight out of the Linux source tree, so if it’s a camera known to work with Linux circa 2008 you’ll have a decent chance of it just working.

Next, you’ll need to grab mplayer and install it. A pre-compiled and statically linked version that just works with the chumby One can be downloaded here (the file is gzipped, you must unzip it before running it). mplayer is tricky and tedious to cross-compile, and the config files are long lost as xobs did the cross-compile for me. This particularly annoying barrier is being fixed for the future by migrating chumby’s new platform (which I hope to announce next month) to Open Embedded and providing developers with a pre-configured EC2 cloud image that will hopefully allow you to build and install packages with deep dependency trees with much less effort than previously required.

Once you have mplayer installed, try this script:

mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=1280:height=1024 -vo jpeg -frames 10

This will create 10 jpeg files in the directory that mplayer is located.

If this works for you, then you’re almost there.

The rest of the tweaks I’ll share are for getting around aperture-setting weirdnesses unique to my camera and the automatic photo taking. This particular camera has a problem where when you turn it on, it always starts with the aperture wide open, which means the first image is way over exposed. The following script represents close to the final arrangement for image taking:

cd /mnt/storage
echo "running first pass"
mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=320:height=240 -frames 10

echo "running second pass"
mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=1280:height=1024 -vo jpeg -frames 10

echo "Resize a preview thumbnail so you can monitor image quality from the screen"
chumbthumb -x 320 -y 240 -i /mnt/storage/00000010.jpg -o /mnt/storage/resize.jpg

echo "show the image on the screen"
imgtool /mnt/storage/resize.jpg

echo "Give the JPEG a unique name and move to storage"
NOW=$(date +'%s')
mv /mnt/storage/00000010.jpg /mnt/storage/stills/${NOW}.jpg

The first pass exists to get around a bug where about 5% of the time, the camera would grab just a plain green screen. The second pass captures 10 frames and I only use the 10th frame captured because that’s empirically about how long it takes for the camera to adjust its aperture. A thumbnail is made, so that another script can toss an image on the LCD so you can monitor the quality of the camera. And finally, the image is given a unique name which is equal to the current time since epoch and moved to storage.

In order to set the timing for the image capture, the following crontab was used to call the above script once every 15 minutes:

chumby:/psp/crontabs# cat root
8 3 * * * /usr/chumby/scripts/
30 * * * * /mnt/storage/
0 * * * * /mnt/storage/
15 * * * * /mnt/storage/
45 * * * * /mnt/storage/

In order to “guarantee” long term stability of the device, the actual implementation I used has the device rebooting itself after taking the image. There are a few quirks in the camera driver that are always solved by a reboot, and I didn’t want to have to worry about a quirk of the camera driver ruining frames. It’s been reliable enough for a year, most of the missing images are due to times when we knocked the power supply out of the wall while cleaning house and the battery ran out before we noticed.

The other thing is that the control panel that normally runs on a chumby gets in the way of showing your resized thumbnail (the chumby will show widgets that bash the image on the screen), so to disable it I created a /psp/rfs1/userhook2 file (userhooks are run during boot automatically in the chumby OS implementation) (don’t forget to give the script a+x permissions) with the following contents:


imgtool --fb=0 --fill=0,0,0
imgtool --fb=1 --fill=0,0,0

imgtool /mnt/storage/resize.jpg

while true
sleep 1700

This ensures that the network is started (which is important to set/keep network time), and the script is designed to continuously call stop_control_panel and start_network just in case there is a connectivity issue that comes up (which would normally be fixed by the control panel, but since you’ve killed it you need to manage it yourself).

That’s about it. I get the files off by mounting a NAS over SMB and copying them, and I had a couple cgi-scripts that also let me preview the thumbnail via the web server built into the chumby, but these are really just embellishments, you can get quite fancy on the network copying part depending upon what you have or don’t have in your home LAN.

Oh, and finally — creating the video. With the files on the SMB share, I encode the video using a “real” PC with the requisite horsepower. I used mencoder, with these arguments:


mencoder mf://*.jpg -mf w=1280:h=1024:fps=12:type=jpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=1:$opt -nosound -o /dev/null
mencoder mf://*.jpg -mf w=1280:h=1024:fps=12:type=jpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=2:$opt -nosound -o output.avi

It’s a two-pass encode that creates a decently good looking stream with no sound.

Happy hacking!