MLTalk with Joi Ito, Nadya Peek and me

November 28th, 2015

I gave an MLTalk at the MIT Media Lab this week, where I disclose a bit more about the genesis of the Orchard platform used to build, among other things, the Burning Man sexually generated light pattern badge I wrote about a couple months back.

The short provocation is followed up by a conversation with Joi Ito, the Director of the Media Lab, and Nadya Peek, a renowned expert in digital fabrication from the CBA (and incidentally, the namesake of the Peek Array in the Novena laptop) about supply chains, digital fabrication, trustability, and things we’d like to see in the future of low volume manufacturing.

I figured I’d throw a link here on the blog to break the monotony of name that wares. Sorry for the lack of new posts, but I’ve been working on a couple of books and magazine articles in the past months (some of which have made it to print: IEEE Spectrum, Wired) which have consumed most of my capacity for creative writing.

Name that Ware November 2015

November 28th, 2015

This month’s ware is shown below:

And below are views of the TO-220 devices which are folded over in the top-down photo:

We continue this month with the campaign to get Nava Whiteford permission to buy a SEM. Thanks again to Nava for providing another interesting ware!

Winner, Name that Ware October 2015

November 28th, 2015

The ware for October 2015 was a Lecroy LT342L. Nava notes that it was actually manufactured by Iwatsu, but the ASICs on the inside all say LeCroy. Congrats to Carl Smith for nailing it, email me for your prize and happy Thanksgiving!

Name that Ware October 2015

October 27th, 2015

The Ware for October 2015 is shown below.

…and one of the things that plugs into the slots visible in the photo above as an extra hint…

Thanks again to Nava Whiteford for sharing this ware. Visit his blog and help him get permission from his wife to buy a SEM!

Winner, Name that Ware September 2015

October 27th, 2015

The Ware for September 2015 is a Powerex CM600HA-24H, which met its demise serving as a driver for a tesla coil in the Orage sculpture (good guess 0xbadf00d!). I have a thing for big transistors, and I was very pleased to be gifted this even though it was busted. At $300 a piece, it’s not something I just get up and buy because I want to wear it around as a piece of jewelry; but it did make for a great, if not heavy, necklace. And it was interesting to take apart to see what was inside!

As for the winner, Jimmyjo was the first to guess exactly the model of the IGBT. Congrats, email me for your prize!